John Deere Equipment for Butler, PA

At M&R Power Equipment Group, we are proud to offer a wide range of John Deere products to our customers in Butler, PA, and the surrounding areas. Whether you are a professional landscaper, a farmer, or simply someone who enjoys maintaining a beautiful lawn, we have the perfect John Deere equipment to meet your needs.

Our Inventory

We carry a variety of John Deere compact utility tractors and utility vehicles designed to help you tackle any job, big or small. These machines are built to last, with powerful engines and advanced features, such as four-wheel drive, high-capacity hydraulics, and customizable four-wheel steering.

In addition to our compact tractors and utility vehicles, we also carry an extensive selection of John Deere lawn and garden tractors, zero-turn mowers, and commercial walk-behinds. These machines are designed to provide exceptional performance and durability, with superior cutting and mowing capabilities, advanced comfort features, and rugged construction that can stand up to even the toughest conditions.

One John Deere product that is sparking a lot of interest is the Kubota BX series subcompact tractor. This versatile machine offers big tractor capabilities at a small tractor price, making it the perfect choice for homeowners and small business owners who need reliable, powerful equipment.

Choose M&R Power Equipment Group

At M&R Power Equipment Group, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products on the market. That's why seek to carry equipment from the most trusted brands in the industry, including Exmark and Ferris.

If you're looking for high-quality John Deere equipment in Butler, PA, look no further than M&R Power Equipment Group. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you find the perfect machine for your lawn care needs. Contact us today to learn more about our inventory! Rest assured that we have your equipment needs covered.